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CCL012 : The Social Church with Guest Interview Justin Wise

In this episode Social Media Guru Justin Wise discusses the importance of connecting with people through social media and why the church should learn to connect with people online. You’ll also learn how Continue Reading…

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In this episode you’ll find

Leadership – It’s like a mirror. And a guest interview with photographer, Austin Mann.

In the interview we discuss Austin Mann’s life changing story, Continue Reading…

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On this episode you’ll find my 5 steps on how senior pastors and high level church leaders can leverage the people of the church toward one focus to make the most impact in the communities the serve. Continue Reading…

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In this episode you’ll find my thoughts on why I compare the weekend service to a 1000 piece puzzle. I also interview Mike Sessler of and Continue Reading…

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In this episode you’ll find my thoughts on how to grow your church from the inside out and an interview with Planning Center’s co-founder, Aaron Stewart.

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On this show I have a discussion with Andrew Arbo. Andrew is a volunteer at our church. Continue Reading…

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In this episode you’ll find my take on creating the right atmosphere for your church and it doesn’t start with the preservice playlist. I also speak with Greg Vennerholm from Church on the Move in Tulsa, OK. Continue Reading…

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In this show you’ll find…

  • My work background
  • An interview with Whitney George, the Creative Arts Pastor at Church on the Move in Tulsa, OK
  • Creating an atmosphere for your church services without spending money
  • Marketing for churches
  • Seeds Conference 2014 Continue Reading…
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In this show you’ll find…
Blaine Hogan’s journey of faith, the artist as the new pastor, creating great art within the church, his process for delivering great art on a consistent basis, and creating art that moves people. Continue Reading…
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In this episode you’ll find…

Stew Redwine’s key to getting started. Plus a few funny stories from our past. Continue Reading…

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