Archives For make better

CCL 023 : Let’s Make Better with Blaine Hogan

  • Today I have an interview with Blaine Hogan to share with you.
  • The twins are home. We’re getting no sleep because they’re on a 2 hour feeding time.
  • If you haven’t already, remember to pick up my new ebook, Creating a New Church Culture: 6 Proven Guidelines for Creating a New Church Culture That Makes a Difference, at In the book I give 6 principles that I discovered when I was building my team when we were making changes within our church. These principles helped guide our team and us as leaders through a bit of a rocky transition. But we came out of it stronger than before and these principles helped get us through. If you’re going through transition or change, or know that you will be, and every church will at some point. You’ll want to pick up your copy.
  • Website update – I’m trying a cool calendar app out on my website for scheduling. And also check out for my other services I currently offer.

Today I interview a friend of mine, Blaine Hogan. Blaine is the creative arts director at Willow Creek Community Church. I’ve had Blaine on the show way back in episode 4. Check out that interview at Today we discuss his new online course called “Make Better.”

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