Archives For creative leadership

CCL 016: Reigniting My Passion For What I Do Because of Cliff Ravenscraft

Cliff Ravenscraft is an “unofficial” podcasting mentor of mine. I model a lot of what I do after him and how he podcasts. Cliff has produced over 30 podcast shows and between he and his wife, they’ve produced over 3000 episodes. They’ve produced TV fan podcasts, tech podcasts, on family, spiritual matters, and social media and even a podcast about podcasting.

He recently gave a keynote at a podcast conference held in Dallas called Podcast Movement a few weeks ago. He published the keynote on one of his podcasts. It was so inspirational and motivating that I had to do a podcast on about that talk and share how it effected me and how my podcast will change and get better because of it. That episode of his can be found here.

Thanks, Cliff, for following your passion. You’ve changed my life because you followed your passion. My hope is to do the same for others.



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